Don’t Leave Your Poker Game Up to Luck

There are days you feel like your luck is going to be OK, just not today. Today you are feeling like luck has didn’t even matter and all you have to do is fold. Most of the time as a poker player you spend a lot of time deciding what cards to play, when to call, and how much to bet. These decisions are part of the game and often are based on gut instinct.

However, sometimes that instinct is right. In fact, it may be part of the reason you are probably folding, or folding to a bad hand. Just like in life, sometimes the BC way of doing things is not the smartest.

BC is also a big part of my poker philosophy. I try to take responsibility for my mistakes, and for myrivalledaynings as well. I try to learn from my mistakes, accept the lessons of my mistakes, and strive to improve as I am able to.

The ups and the downs of poker are a part of the game. No matter how big or small we try to make them, they are always going to be there. Poker is a game of resource management. If you try to do everything at once, you will end up completely crushed. However, if you make just a few simple adjustments, you can diminish the effects of a bad beat, or the occasional bad beat, and you will ultimately be a much more formidable poker player.

Concentrate on your own progression, and do not be influenced by what the big boy’s are doing. Remember that since the poker world is so large, essentially the same things will be Pros and Cons for you. If you think you can make these adjustments, and incorporate them into your game, you will find that you are a much happier and productive poker player.

There are so many opportunities to learn. If you put in the time and effort to find out what you need to know, you will find that there is no place that learning more than in a poker game itself. When you are in a game you can rethink the way you play, and handle situations in a different light.

When you are trying to learn how to play poker, sometimes you have to get a little bit esoteric. Hence, many of the books you will find on the subject will be aimed at poker players who are looking to expand their knowledge of the game. Many of the books you will find will be written by prominent players who have already made a name for themselves in the poker community, although I wonder, are they intensely talented poker players, or just people who have found a way to explain their particular facet of the game in a way that will make you want to learn it?

When you are trying to learn the game, sometimes you have to ignore the obvious. Sometimes you have to stubbornly stick to your current method, despite all the evidence to the contrary, and not alter your method just because you disagree with everyone else. Although your method may be foolproof, you can’t assume that it is foolproof, and poker is a game of information.

When you have information, either solid or weak, you can and will make decisions that are based on the information you have. When you are playing in a poker game you should base your decisions on the solid hand you hold, the odds you are getting, and the pot odds you are seeing. If you are playing against equally skilled opponents, since they can analyze your hand, you will be able to win a lot of money if you can make them change their minds.

There are also human emotions in the game. If you are not feeling good about your hand, you will not play keenly and you will lose money fast. If you are in a bad mood, you will play loosely making harder decisions. If you hold a good hand, you will make them think that you are being fair with your hand and your chances of winning. Suited cards are the way to tell if there is a balance of cards in your hand. A suited hand (5-6, 7-8, 9-10, J-Q) will tell you that you probably have better cards than any other hand out there.

Other tells to look out for are gut shots and other signs that will show you that the person you are playing against is trying to get you to make a play. If they are shaking their head, they are probably trying to gauge the strength of their hand. A light tinkling of the chips when they are thinking, or speaking softly, are also reliable signs.

There are a lot of little signs that can help you tell, so pay attention. Knowing your opponents is a giant advantage, so use it.